Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

i lol’ed

:lol + rep if i can

my kinda JDM woman. youre all fakers. i post some asians and ur all like “boo, get that shit outta here” and now ur all over that one. posers!

lol… no shes not for rent…

but heres her with the new sun glasses we picked up a while ago

is it really sideways?

sooo your first two posts are sharing your girlfriend :rofl

no lol… im just showing what i got her thats all =P

another angle of the sun glasses

Just got my girl a new bikini

Damn, looks like Laura put on some weight since I’ve seen her last.

that was terrible…i had to throw out my hot pocket


I’d roll-fuck her.

Youre our kinda member :lol

haha thanks =)

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl Jae G00n got dukeddd

Sorry for the shitty quality pic. It was off of my girlfriend’s cell phone. We just picked up this little guy over the weekend.

looks evil like the night sky

Is that a weimaraner pup? I can’t tell, the picture is not good. Those are one of my favorite dogs if it is…

I’m thinking choco labo

It is. He’s 14 lb. at 8 1/2 weeks old. He’s going to be a pretty big dog, both of his parents were monsters.