Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

very cool… he will be fun…

Yeahhhhhhhh budddddddyyyyyyY!!!

2008 YFZ450! Fucking thing RIPSSSSSS!

Nice, now you can go riding with PJB

I don’t ride with putz’s

Cool. New left over or used?

Used from one of my dad’s buddies friends(if that makes sense). :lol

You got a place to ride? Im always trying to find new places to ride.

I’ll probably rip around my yard here and there, piss my neighbors off like old times with my 2 dirt bikes. I don’t really have a way to get it around.

psi2high’s front lawn is great for riding

:lmao yeah, if you want to just go wide open, turn around, and do the same thing back and forth :lol

Hi, my name is Ryan Kramer and I support this statement.

You could always get a trailer. Thats what I did until I bought a truck.

Theres woods by my house but they get boring after about 15 minutes now because Ive ridden back there so much. Thats why I like throwing it in the truck and heading somewhere else, like Sacandaga lake last weekend.

I mean, yeah I have a trailer and my mom’s Suburban but very rarely is she not out/has somewhere to go. and she refuses to drive my cars so, I’ll deal. I got a killer deal on it, couldn’t pass it up, I’ll get my fun out of it and flip it for a lot more than I bought it for.
I plan on keeping it throughout winter though, studding the tires and going out on the ice.

I just bought new tires and plan on taking mine on the ice too. Thats a shitload of fun.
Im not going to stud them though. It needed tires because the old ones are shot (worn out) and I cant afford two sets.

get a cheap trailor. or just make one like i did.

I gotta find a pic. it WAS a 1992 popup camper. all gutted and frame reinforced. works PERFECT. it was 20bucks and ill i had to do was remove it from the yard.

New wheels for the bike:

we can use dav’es dad’s big trailer. it will fit 3 quads no prob. we could pull it with mny dad’s tdi.