Post a PIC of your latest purchase. :ninja

great way to say goodbye for the winter ha

ok so pardon me for being dumb, but i have always wondered why they call them trick flow heads?

cause they tricky shit kid lolololol

its just a name bud

Damn. I though Chevy heads were cheap.

thanks dude!

I just brought her…

a shirt and pant


good one hoss



She’s cute. I’ve always dug those Asians.

I need to find me a nice brunette this or next weekend. It’s time to kick up the game a notch or ten.

Wanna rent that out?

Good luck, you’ll need it :lmao

Thanks Van Wilder.

I hear theres whores on craigslist and in the Metro Land paper

They also have the same general concept pretty much down to a T at all local colleges with dorms.


Ill take your word for that. I went to a community college and never went whore hunting.

You can still go whore hunting at community college.

That’s really one of the only reasons I go to school in the first place. If I was just there for the work the only days I would be on that campus are for tests and that’s pretty much it. :lmao

Well I never did it and Im too old for college girls now anyway.

AlpineCockslider you sig is way to big

Hey Johnny Tran I was actually in the process of re-sizing it, but thanks for the concern.