So how long before that one is stuck?
ill give it a month
ill give it till friday
those look delicious!
i had one of these in my fishtank, it died after like 3 days
LOL @ you fucks that wanna eat my fish!!
Gat, really? Ive had the Bala Shark for about 4weeks or so now, and when the store got him outta the tank they dropped the dumb motherfucker like 5ft :lol. Still kickin. I actually just picked up another smaller Bala for it to chill with.
Dude I hope the truck looks better than that!! I’ll be home tomorrow to check it out.
Rock on.
it wasnt a bala shark but it was a very similar shark. it became anorexic and died, idk why it just didnt eat…dumb fucker :lol
i just got rid of my last fish, it was a big suckerfish, just didnt feel like taking care of a fish tank anymore i guess
Yeah, sometimes the upkeep is a PITA, but overall they are pretty low maint lol. Change 20% of the water weekly, give th tank a scrub and youre good! The only thing is I think the fish get Ick every once in awhile, its wierd. The tinfoil periodically will scrub itself against the log I have in there, which is one of the symptoms of Ick. Im still new-ish to the aquarium shit
w3rd i have a bunch of fake plants and rocks and shit if you want anything.
edit: now that i think of it i did have a bala shark that my bro bought for the tank and it died in a week or so.lolz
Okay, PJB.
I was at Adult World once. My truck broke down and i had to wait for the tow truck. I talked to the guy at the counter, but he wasn’t interested in me.
Yeah sounds good man, Im always looking for shit!
next time ur in duanesburg let me kno, you can just have the shit.
GOT EMMM :rofl :rofl :rofl
Nice dude, thanks!! :thumbup