Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


Dave… i think that is the best purchase you have ever made, i have alot of respect for this

Looks like quite a project. Hopefully you’ll have it out in a few years.

Is there a motor and tranny in the car and does it run?

it’ll be out this year. i’ll put money on that…

Handled it fine, and drove it quite often… the car will be just as fast on pump gas as it used to be :thumbup

Nice car Red. This is what I recommended for the bare metal for the time being.

x2 i said the same thing to him when we were talkin bout this a few weeks ago

sell Slobra, build Eleanor

cobra is gone

Gloves approves

thats the plan:number1

Can i get that at autobody supply?

hell yea he does, hahaha he PUMPED

it looks worse than it is. I was driving it today actually. no glass = COLD

gloves and the econoline lol

I didnt even think it was driveable by the pic like that. What size motor is in the car? 390?
What year is this car? My friend has alot of extra '60’s Mustang parts in his garage because he’s redoing his '67 so maybe if you need something I can ask him.

Keep it green like the door or update it by painting it Legend Lime. These cars always look good in green.

put an RB in it… drift

Seriously kidding, Dave seriously awesome purchase man! I know you’ll do her right!

superbowl fuel

that place is dumpy!

yea but i have a coupon so pricewise it’s not as dumpy as other places tend to be.