Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

your going to love it!

Yesterday I got…

gotta watch how much oil you put on it then. The oil can fuck up a maf

its an oil-less filter, no issues.:thumbup

I do love the Droid much faster than my blackberry storm

there is a thread around here somewhere with a few good apps to get…

btw I have the same ipod… I think we are soul mates… just a thought…

a bottle of these:

and one of these!


Lmao looks like Erik’s out of the picture then

i7-975 Bloomfield w/ Zalman 2 Ball Bearing going into a ASUS Rampage II Extreme…it’s gonna be a killer machine :ohnoes:ohnoes

:ohnoes …indeed. i gotta see this.

jae know what the fuck hes doing with dis shit

Bunch of other shit to go with it as well.

CAS disc:

Putting it together yourself?

Yup, I haz da solder skillz
Halo 3 Legendary set. Got it CHEAP. BNIB

Hope you got it in ricer blue as well and not that cool red color!