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I friend of mine used to flush his at his house using a few 5 gallon pails. Put the feed line in a bucket full of fresh fluid and the return line in an empty bucket making sure not to let the full bucket get to low. I WOULD NOT recommend this to ANYONE.

great way to fry a pump

Now me and the mad scientist… :lol

pennzoil x9

thats a nice hockey stick. i didnt know you played. who did you play for?

I played for TAYHA and the cd selects kind of



wow… i was just gonna page the cross country skier :rofl

I cross country skied in HIGH SCHOOL, where I raced against other HIGH SCHOOLS. I’m not still doing it 3-4 yrs later in some amateur-hour money-draining league.

I haven’t TOUCHED a cross country ski in over 2 years :rofl

Haha yah… sorry for staying fit and healthy. Better tell Emmanuel hes wasting his money on working out so much and eating the way he does.

Either way… cross country skiing might as well be cross country dick sucking

I’m fucking with you, calmmmmmmm downnnnnn

Its the same concept as regular cross country except with more skill/technique involved, so yeah I guess all runners suck dick :lol

I knowwww you areeee… but i have to fuck with you back because you played the faggiest sport known to man.

Kramer vs Murrdog challenge:
Round 1: 2 on 2 hockey, I get sully you get failvis
Round 2: 1 on 1 11k XC ski race


^ Ban (for a day) 1


you guys should both play russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver

as long as they’re rubber bullets im down