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Like Oh My God!!..
And cap & rotor

ghey :tongue

Piss test for a job. They made me pay for it upfront. I pass, I get the $ back, I fail they say fuck off. Pretty good idea honestly, im sure its saved tons of money, i’ve just never had to pay for one out of pocket up front

The oldest brewing co.

Ying-Black&Tan ROCKS!!!

Dude my friend told me about how he passes these. lol He takes a big asprin bottle of his nephews piss. Nukes it in the microware for 5 secs to get it hot. Then he puts it under his nutts and drives to the office. He practices walking around holding the bottle under his nutts, and not looking like he got done getting ass rammed when he walks around. Then he uses that piss when he is in the room. lol good thinking really.

I have been clean, no smoking no nothing for a while. Been trying to get a damn job

Haha. Well that honestly is a pretty good idea making the person pay for it. That way they don’t get shafted paying for a bunch of deadbeats who cannot pass a drug test like Bennyfizzle.

Sounds like a lot of work to help support a drug habit.

I am pretty pro pot, i just know that it needs to be separate from work, just like alcohol. I would never light up and go to work just like I would never crack a bottle and go to work

Switched from Soda to Water pretty much cold turkey. Went from drinking 2 bottles of Soda (20oz) a day to maybe 1 or 2 cups in the last 2 weeks. Got myself a nice aluminum water bottle, cleaning brush, and cleaning tablets from

haha i looked at that realll quick and made some quick assumptions :lol

LOL, he isnt a deadbeat druggie by anymeans. Actually he is a National flattrack champ racer. he smokes a lil weed here and there, but wont touch anything else at all.

Exactly. I dont see the need to drug test someone PRIOR to employment. They need to interview first… and generally if the HR person can do their job they would even pass a potential employee to a drug test if they look like they are trash. But I can see the NEED to test employees for suspicion, that’s fine and dandy.

Well I interviewed, they then did a background check, a license check (even though i brought a clean abstract) and a check to make sure you are insurable since its a company vehicle. Then they called, asked if I was still interested in the job and if I would be able to talk a drug test. Be nice to work again, i’ve been out for a year now

When I was on the road for 14+hrs a day I LIVED on soda. We are talking 2-3 LITERS a day. I switched to water, now I drink 6+ liters a day and I dropped a solid 25lbs in the first 6-7 weeks after the switch, but i will say breaking a caffeine addiction is a BITCH

6+ liters a day? Damn. I do about 60-80oz at the moment (1.7-2.3 liters).

I drink lots of water, and pretty much nothing BUT water now. I just feel alot healthier in general. I also have a fridge that i keep stocked with about 15-20 liter bottles of water

Yeah I do feel healthier as well after doing this for 2 weeks. I used to hate the taste of water of any kind, but now I actually like it.

My lovely GF and her friend came back from mexico with gifts last night:
