yeah gotta get the adaptors for it. 31 and 28mm. slight poke. nothing crazy. 9.5inch rear wheel, 8.5 front.
gonna look real good
sweet “played out rimz”
yeah should have gotten RS’ because you never see those.
srsly though those will look good, like a few other wheels in the vw/audi world, they are used a lot because they normally work very well.
brett are those rokkor coils?
hopefully this stops the annoying chirping sound i have…
^Buy all that for me too plz.
shoulda got a autopart intl,s bando serp belt they last way longer and dont squeel . prolly cheaper to man
bustang has some chirpin goin on.
2.5 or TDi?
2.5 Wolfsburg couldnt get one for the price i was looking for.
not bad. beats having a mk3.
LOL ill miss it but im excited to move up. Just a mild drop and tint and done.
lol Huffs if anything