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omg say goodbye to any kind of gas mileage! :rofl

my dad’s old 4 door GTP got like 15-16mpg :lol

yeh with you driving it :rofl

:rofl no seriously, with me driving it probably got like 9-10mpg…They have a little gauge that tells the average mpg, and I think it read like 15.3 or something :lol

this ones at 18 right now… expecting it to go down daily

YES! +Repped accordingly.



WHAT THE FUCK WHEN DID THAT SHIT COME OUT?!?!??!?!! I’ma get that tomorrow.

Last week I think Wayne, definitely a good game. Might break the wii out for that,

Oh, picking up Call of Duty: Black Ops tommorow. Woooo winter time gaming buddyiezzz


I will be playing black ops so long as its nothing like MW2

But I will be playing it on a far superior machine

I love it has gungame, taken directly from what I play in counterstrike. So right there it looks better than MW2, that I am still pissed I bought.

drivers side E-code to replace the electrical taped smashed light thats currently on the car.

fuck you and your machine!

Why not put on one of your million sets of rally lights?

He sold them all brah

Hey Matt

Hi Christopher

ill wait till spring
