Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Yay D90!!!

Woot wooooot.

May need a lens reccomendation since I’m selling off my D50 with the lens it came with.

What type of lens, walk around general purpose?

Yea, no more range needed than 70mm or so. ?

selling D50 you say :ponder

yea with two lenses. Easily $300 in lenses. Low click count 6500 or so.

Ill probably be posting for $400 for everything. Body is worth $300 alone.

They dont work on them in Guilderland apparently. They told me right away that it was getting sent out.

I use a 24-70 f/2.8L as my walk around/general use lens. I know Nikon has this lens as well and I’ve heard good things about it. Might be worth looking into.

Will do thanks.

you could have gotten the same thing for a hell of a lot cheaper.

hmm i will be seeing what i can do if its posted up here…

Going up in the next few days.

Had to unfortunately retire my mid 90’s “Skigear” snowpants due to two broken zippers.

Replaced with a pair of these:

Bought it off a guy on s2ki. I got it dirt cheap

Wowwww coooool more Buschur parts!!!


looks like an ass dildo with a high pressure KY hook-up

i got a bridge that says buschur racing on it for sale pete let me know.