Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Lmk. I want one

No, I wish too. Hank on here does, and can bang out some pieces for you.

I do them by hand. but make some little MDF jigs with a router bit that matches my plasma torch so I can just clamp that jig on sheet, trace it out, over and over. then put a group together in a vice and clean them up slightly by hand to make them all 100% the same. debur and done.

until i hit the big time, I only charge around $30/hr for my services. I have gotten quicker with time and could bang that project out on that car in 2.5 hrs I bet. If I fuck it up, take longer than I assumed it would, I am not out to make a living (yet) I do it for practice, and to help people out. Ask MazdaSpeed6 how his muffler work I did went. It was a pecker taking the turbo back off the car to work on it and it took more time than anticipated… spent a little more time bullshitting around talking more than working and went over time, only charged him for 2 hrs, yet spent 4 or so I think? Time well spent, came out TITS under the car, fully tigged nice and he loves it. Got to make a new friend and we had a good time doing it.

Take advantage of the people like me that bought all the tools needed to do what you want to do, and have the skill and care to do it right. I didnt mean go but the tooling and bang out a single set.

I am just a guy standing under a red light with a cardboard sign that says “will weld for food”. lol

honestly that $190 is about what I would charge to make them and not make much at all doing so. The original price I saw was 230+ shipping, so say $250. If that was the case, I could have done it and saved you $60. :thumbup

KK rant over.

stainless ic is better for drag racing. SUCCCCKKKKK IIITTTTT:thumbup

you told me youd work on mine for a 12 pack and my purrdy lips … :cry:

ohh you meant the mounts! Honestly, i would do it for a case of beer, you and I drank while I made them. If you had the materials I would do something simple like them for a red bull or two! its no more than 20 mins work if that. car buddies help car buddies

price went up when you caught dem herps!

How about roofies and our wives? :rofl

no dude i totally understand what your doing and its awesome… i just don’t need any custom shit done really… only thing custom thing that will most likely go on the car is a tubular manifold… but the tdi on the other hand… i’ll have to hit you up haha!

Tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon.

mike i might have you do some exhuast work on da v8 in the spring…open her up a lil.

I cant knock pete for cookie cutter setups. I WISH i could just buy shit and make my car go vroom, no i gotta pay people more who do shit by hand instead of shops who all they do is crank this shit out have machines that do certain shit for them.

There are a lot of cases with cars who have this shit redily availible where its not really worth it to pay someone to custom make something for you when you can just get something in the mail and slap it on. Unless hes a friend and well do work for little money or a 12 pack. There are exceptions, but to me 20-30 dollar difference, id prolly just buy whatever it was instead of waiting for a place to make something for me… KK excluded because id have him fab me up anything i could so I could get him drunk and take advantage of him

This bucher shit is nonsense to me though, i think theres a lot of good quality shit behind it but that pipe is an example of a company who can pretty much just sell dogshit and people will buy it because its bucher racing. I also think taking anything the “horses mouth” says as 100% fact is stupid too

its all good homeslice :thumbup

werd! :thumbup :thumbup

I love welding drunk! Extra sloppy beads are awesome!!!

I know how you boys like 'em SHLOPPYYY!

Extra Schlopppppy!

:rofl at this thread

omg :rofl ITT

Changed my mind again… will be using paper mache to make my charge piping. Kan you rig that up Krazy Kid?

Wow… time to go dig through the vhs collection

waittttttttttt who are you to call me cheap? maybe you should rethink your finances because i sure seem to be doing just fine with what im doing…

The fan.
Shit just hit it.