Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

ive got a 23 gallon tank and it still stopped at $75

Holy, and I thought $25 to fill the hatch was a lot lol. Sedan has a larger tank, but I never fill it, pretty sure it has a slow leak.

The cash sale won’t stop on its own, just the pay at the pump sale.

Mossberg 500A 12ga. in camo with pistol grip.

Fuck yea.
Came with a box of shells too. Currently looking at options for tactical crap for it.

50 bucks? thats it? for an actual real gun? DAMN.

door breach is a nice mod

Yup. Actual working gun.
I can thank the state of NY for the low price. A guy I know is moving to NY this weekend and wanted to get rid of it along with the Desert Eagle.

:thumbup I’ll check that out too.

Is he fucking retarded? Why the fuck you you move TO NY. I want the fuck OUT.


heres a couple

and some other stuff for ya

you can do so much to these things

FUCK ME man thats a great purchase.

where did you pick that up ?

Because I need more ridiculous toys:

add these

4 of these

and 2 of these

that thing run on e85?

damn, ny is starting to look worse than roadkill left out in the heat for a while

If that runs two lipos at a time, holy its going to be quick.

must resist urge to buy more RC parts…
damn youuuuuuuuuu jon

Benelli M4:

So fucking win. Feels great to shoot, great ergonomics.

Not the gun itself (AR-10), but the Harris bipod, Leatherwood CAMPuter scope, and (not pictured) Falcon ERGO grip w/ palm shelf.

Running 3S 5000mah 30c y0, should do around 65 with the gears I’m going to run. Not slow, but still not the fastest thing in my stable (yet).