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I guess I mainly needed the 3/4th gear slider… but im gonna put the 3rd gear in with it. I think thats why i needed it. Il be honest, I don’t know jack shit about transmissions.

Good deal. Whats that battery run?

1100 buschur dollars

Buschur bux ftw

I’m willing to bet you could have got a kinetic or powermaster batt of equal size for the same or less

probably a good point, but I never had a problem with cooling when drifting, the duct is more for HPDE than anything right now. it just made sense to make both at the same time.

these two shit boxes

or a Craftsman riding mower battery

The type of batteries I listed are deep cells and actually pack a hell of a punch for the size. I’m not 100% sure the capacity of a lawn mower battery and if I’d want to run my car off one.

As for my latest purchase, I picked up the 46" LED LCD that slowgto had up for sale. Very happy with it!

So much fucking win… .


Bring it over, I’ve got 100+ trees you can practice on.

Seriously? I love using chainsaws/cutting down trees

O shit your one step away from becoming

Fuck yea. I have 3 acres and 2.5 are heavily wooded. Fuck trees.

Chicken Speedy from Country drive in!!

fuck yeah CDI

OH FUCK YEA… then we can use the ASTRO and bring em to the mill. I been watchin too much AXE MEN. :rofl :rofl :rofl

:rofl :rofl