Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Ahhh I see. Would have if I had known. Now Im just glad that I have a manifold on the way.

Or contact Morgan

I did. I really would have loved to of gone through them. I talked to greg about it and I would have needed to bring my car up there for them to do the fabrication, unfortunately, I don’t have that kind of time.

I just died a little inside

Sorry buddy… hope we can still be internet & real life friends.

I suppose I can allow that. As long as you are not hanging out with that lozano character any more. He is bad news that one.

Haha… true, always gotta be watchin when hes around or else you might get a slap on the back with tacks between his fingers

Hes a mischievous little troll

damn i paid 4.07 today!!! its been dropping!

Yeah it was something like that at the Hess on Rt 50 in glenville. Maybe i read it wrong but I know I put $98 and change into the tank because Hansen left the 3500HD in his dads driveway with 1/4 tank

yeah just did the math, must have read the sign wrong or the sign on the pump was marked wrong.

2009 Specialized Hardrock Sport Disc

My Ironhorse Sunday is not general-riding-on-pavement friendly.

Nice I love my hardrock

yetti loves hardcock.

I would fuck with the “Hardrock” logo on the bike to make it look like “Hardcock” to see if anyone notices, but I dont want to say “I ride hardcock” :rofl

Man up! :rofl

i go to John ray and sons, been 4.29 for a bit now. B5, not that #2 junk

Custom plate SLOWS4

How about a latest purchase gone to shit? Does that count?

5 of the 12 CCW C10’s that were damaged/destroyed during the OLOA from bead rolling/tire blowouts, and three full sets of the culprit shit Pilot Super Sports.

and the price