Mother fuck! I’ve gotta arrange a few days up in the Rutland area for work just to see you shoot some of the crazy ass shit you have in your arsenal
rofl:rofl I gotta take pictures of most of the other ones for serial number purposes someday in case they come up missing. I’ve been meaning to get a shot of all of them together too lol.
The original TEC9 likes to jam every 4th or 5th round and being how few I have come across I don’t like to shoot it.
Its sad to admit it, but I’ve never even fired a gun. Admitting that feeling like removing my balls. I actually own a shot gun but I’ve never even shot it or know what brand it is
Ive shot two guns in my entire life: an AK-47 and a 9mm.
Try holding it sideways when you shoot
Sorry COReY
That sucks!!!
What type of jam? A failure to eject? Try using a bigger shot load and that should help. My Kel-Tec had the same issue, then I got some quality ammo and it was win.
Yea, its got a few issues there. Ive noticed it tends to make one side of a spent shell slightly flat when ejecting. Sometimes it won’t chamber a new round.
In the owners manual it list what ammo to use and not to use, hollow points don’t feed well either. I have Federal American Eagle that I use.
Try yelling out LOCOMOTIVE CURT whilst pulling the trigger, works every time.
People might think I actually am crazy then…
2g to 3g alternator conversion plug
upgraded output wire
130 amp 3g alt
standard rotation water pump
new alt bracket/manual tensioner
ASP ribbed waterpump pulley.
This thread is now about rednecks with guns
every few posts it seems to be, though i am jealous of those tec-9
my dads pulled out about 15 or so in the past 3 times hes went :rofl
And to clear it up, you DONT need a freshwater fishing liscense OR a saltwater liscense, they dropped the saltwater liscense in early april. Its one of the few places you can fish with no liscense.
nominating for coolest guy ever
Him and his buddy caught 5 yesterday :rofl
i dont fish , butttt my son loves it . do i need a lic to take him out ? prolly do seein as n.y is a bunch of fuckin herb *******
I dont think that children need a lic. but make sure you never have the pole oin your hand or else its something stupid like a $500 fine