Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

:lol Jon told me about this :rofl

I <3 tdis.

Actually I did not buy her, my parents bought her for my daughter, i did not want it until I saw it… its so damn cute… FML

I never thought bunnys were affectionate, i thought they just kinda pooped and hopped around, this thing loves people.

that shit doesnt run away?

Gotta kinda watch her but she seems to just stay around wherever we are

Euro 200 headlights FTW!

yea, better watch that thing outside. Bird of prey will swoop that little fucker away.

rabbit=tragic death inside of 2 months.

every. single. time.

I had a pet rabbit when I was younger, but that thing was huge. 20 something pounds lol

My dad ate my fucking pet rabbit when i was a kid. I refused to eat it.

I had a few pet rabbits back in the day. one of them got so fat/lazy I decided to let it go in the mountains where the wolves can feast on it.

got this on tuesday

/\ I should buy some compound/polish and go buck wild with my buffer and see if I can fuck up my paint lol

Ultracut! WTF are you buffing that requires that aggressive of a compound?

ohhhh boy . slowmarro is going biggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

… do go on

didnt you already go big last year?