Post a PIC of your latest purchase.[]=wmi|/phpThumb/watermarks/IDPartsLogo_transparent.png|C|20|0&f=jpg&q=95&hash=bbd992b569f754c4596339ae6220cd88

bunch of gym shit too SUPPLEMENTZZ


ohhh glow plug harness. lucky you.

the guy that sold that yellow vette put those same cheesey wheels on his replacement cobra. apparently he has no idea on how to mod a car

This thing is awesome and it has a cup holder.

More than you can afford, pal. Linens delivery driver

tdi treats

No matter how many degrees you get, you’ll always be a dickhead.

Wait whuttt???

Picture is inaccurate, this is what you actually bought:[]=wmi|/phpThumb/watermarks/IDPartsLogo_transparent.png|C|20|0&f=jpg&q=95&hash=f2041280e5a7d56b924441b775d1b0c8

depending on mileage of the car, it probably wouldnt hurt to atleast replace the dog bone bushings as well. my mounts were beyond shot at 215k

a guy drove that?! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Holy fuck seriously figured it was someones wifes car or some shit :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Oh yeah? LOOKOUT

Hah yeah, I used to see Him driving it all over. His new car (shelby cobra) is already starting the transformation. Stupid rims. Gay grill. Etc. People are stupidd I swear

picked up 4 of these stern joints in vermont for a friend

i myself bought 1 of these

and 2 of these FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUu

Ahhhh shittt

I know whos that was just cause the wheels lol

haha i figured you all would know. It should hopefully be home tomorrow!