Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

It’s been a couple years since I’ve messed with them, but the fps was higher than green gas, I think it was up around whatever the red gas would do IIRC.

actually photo, its a thermal arc, bought it for 40 dollars, auto dark, cause it had a dirty sheild which took 30 seconds to clean up looks new. retail 174$
pipes for the del sol
picked from lances garage.

woooooooow what a deal on that helmet!

Yerp guy said batterys dead but works fine for me
6MT STi duracon

word, those are sick

Lets have a fatguy mountain bike session.

I already did in my driveway and I fell.

I’m really good at falling, I didn’t even get that dirty.


This is my shitbox Gary Fisher

is it a 29er or something? That pic looks really odd

26" but I believe it’s a a small or medium frame so its got a short wheelbase.

gotcha, yeah I’d be down to go ride somewhere sometime. I want to check out those new trails at the round lake bypass.


where did you get the trek benny? I have been looking for a new bike, plus i want to be like you…lol, just without the falling part.

craigslist brooo

OH NOM NOM no bitch beerz here!!
