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You should’ve seen the toupée left on the ground from shaving it :rofl

Should be made into a merkin

I love rats. My favorite rodent of them all.

like justin2386?

No worries, I know a guy that works there and is legit. He was my tattoo artist’s apprentice for a couple years.

This is the guy I know:

Shops Facebook:


X many.

Really went for that? I didn’t seem that big of a fan. I jumped on the HT spoiler though :excited

I didn’t get my hardtop until after that all went down. I might make my own.

I’m gonna have to wait to see your finished cluster to make my judgement but it just seems… dated. Does your year have chrome rings around the vents like some do? At least it would match better.

Debated on making my own, then just said F it.

I got mine after the deal as well but I emailed saying I just missed it and can he do anything on it, and he dropped the price by a small fraction. It helps :dunno

No vent rings yet. Gonna do those and needle caps. It’s supposed to look dated… :lol

Yup, that’s actually his writing Haha. He did the claddagh I got a few weeks back and will be doing my next piece as well

Amazing headphones, not that monster makes a crappy sound product to begin with. Can’t imagine the sound from the Solo HD or Studio’s

Do they cook your ears like the turtle beaches do? That’s my only gripe about those. Fucking ears feel like they’re on fire after 1/2 hour or so.

Although my ears have also been mistaken as glider wings once or twice so that may have something to do with it.

:lol at the ear comment

Negative. These things r epic

Ill second that, these are epic

Just built this new rig, highly recommend all the parts on it, computer is fucking fast.

4 OEM wheels with tires for a hunj