Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

My latest purchase for the car:

Nothing. And that needs to change. kthxbai.

They serve EVERYTHING in that biotch. Their menu is like a god damn book.

I usually look at the highest calorie items and pick those. The Reeses cheesecake is 1610 calories, I make sure to get that for desert everytime. :lol

Why am I not 450lbs?

Good point.
It still wouldn’t stop me from moving though haha.

What about your other purchase…:ninja

Two Taco Bell Chicken Quesadillas

One large Farva Mountain Dew Baja Blast

I’ll post about it once I have it. :ninja

Hopefully I don’t disappear picking it up tomorrow :rofl

Dibs on camera and s2k :lol

new hood for the jetta

Not really a purchase but an adoption. She needs a name.

Name her “Kraken”, and then teach her to get up on her hind legs when you say “Release the Kraken!!!”.

Just an idea:dunno

is that NOS?

yea my boss got it for me. It was so cheap I couldn’t pass it up

Do tell…

Spring compressor? You bastard haha I HATE those jank ass advance auto ones. Almost takes my arm off every time


Fucking love this shit. Its like the Arizona Half&Half Arnold Palmer drink, just better.

the orange rockstar recovery is sick

I hate that half and half.

It is however seemingly the most popular one.

yea i feel like im taking my life in my hands anytime i use them. lol

See I have limited selection tho. I can only have sugarfree, or very low sugar ones.

Can’t state sugar free after taste on most drinks.

Rockstar lemon juice has been my jumpoff