Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Stallmer buy my jordana homo.

you guys are all gay… jordans suck

Germanpsi jacked mine

kill him

The only legit shoes ITT are the DC’s that wh3els posted. These bunk ass Osiris joints and Jordans can go scratch.

I have a man rule that I do not pay more than $30 on a pair of shoes and I wear them unitl they can’t keep my feet dry anymore

OOOOOO Whats the plan for this one? Please tell me slammed and chopped

Haters hate cause 1. You’re not legit enough to pull them off and 2. You a broke ass *****…


Does legit mean emo or gay in this case?

DC’s for 89$ or jordans for 150$ plus.

to much shoe talk ITT.

Airwalks are gonna make a come back.

shit i remember when DC, ethnies/emerica and the whole lot of shoes were like $30-45 bucks, and you had to order them through CSS.


jordans are whack, but mine are 6.0 skate shoes, and yes I actually skate/destroy them like idgaf.

i loved my airwalk enigma’s

but my 86’s were my favorite shoes ever

Shoes are for pussys. I go barefoot everywhere.

I bet you wear flip flops with socks.

I bet you drive a vr-4! :ninja

How bad do you want to see the calis’ on the bottom of my feet?

depends, idk if you can afford me buddy.