Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Haha burn

all audiz has CEL, come factory like that.

oh, and my epi lasik surgery might be the best purchase I’ve ever made.

I can has no blind?

still healing

contacts/glasses can go fuck off now

Thats awesome. My girlfriend is planning to get it done before her health insurance runs out end of this year.

Hands down the best $$ i’ve ever spent in my life.

Incorrect, Sir. Viper>eyes. I dont need my eyes to know i have a viper LIKE A BAWS.

Too soon to call that one, brah.

agreed, I fuckin’ hate glasses/contacts.

Her insurance covers it? That’d be great. I paid somewhere around $3700 out of pocket.

I like it, but my vision still sucks. At first, I could see shit from mad far away… then about 3 months into healing, my vision went to shit. They still chart tested me as 20/20 and said I was fine. Night vision is nearly shot, lights really fuck with me. Probably have some residual astigmatism that I need a re-touch for. It’s been almost 2 years now. I had to get PRK due to my corneal thickness being borderline. Fuckin’ healing time was brutal.

If i didn’t have eyes for all i know i could’ve flown to georgia and bought a saturn with stripes, hell they’re both plastic.

Haha yea its old as Fuck. My dad has an 066 with a 4ft bar. Thing is crazy as hell.

I almost wanted to invite myself by to see it yesterday as i was right down the road from ya.

you shoulda man!!!

Had to have another key cut and programed. Not cheap…

Also got some touch up paint for a few little chips

My TSX only has one fob as well, looks like a replacement is like $90 for both the key and fob + programming


x 1,000 rounds

For the USC.

Why no hollow point?

Who did no ninjaz get your surgery done by? I feel like I could have just had woody fix me up with an acetylene torch and a generic xacto.

I use FMJ for plinking/target stuff. I ordered 50rds of Remington 230gr Golden Sabre hollow points as well just didn’t feel like finding pics.