Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

cuz shady told me the other one i bought was garbage lol

Want one so bad.

i have an original one from a 72 super beetle i need to get rid of.

i’ll let you know if its decent quality or not since it’s raceland, but its the only one i found that i really liked because it has more cross bars on it. my plan is to mount my thule snowboard holder onto it and use it to get the board to the mountain this way. hopefully it works out, since i don’t have money for a hardtop yet, since once i do its roof rack on the hardtop.

I really needed it to come home from TN, but I would still like one just incase.

i got one of those, except it has a scope and a mount pod. never got to use it yet, but i couldnt say no when a guy was just going to throw out a brand new one lol

throw out?!?! Wanna throw it back out to me? :lol

What caliber is yours? JVG’s ther ein 9mil, cossesy hk is 45. I’m probably going to buy a berreta in 40 cal to match the M&P40pro

Coreys is an air soft gun,

Well not air soft. Its a co2 powerd air rifle. I thought thats what jvg posted. Looks exactly the same as mine lol

Mine shoots lead pellets, air soft shoots plastic balls. In other words mine will hurt a lot more if i shoot you with it than if it were to be an air soft one :lol

I know the difference tire king, it’s still not a gun that fires real bullets lol

And mine will kill you. Big difference

Thats true. Herb king






:evilkingRED TEAM, ASSEMBLE!:evilking

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this thread sucks. i’m going to fix it with my latest purchase…

OH FUCK YES. Not the exact one, but that should give you an idea.