Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

I’m gonna guess Spyderco

it’s ok. There’s better out there for the $$.

You sound like a disgruntled ex. :rofl


actually it sounds more like someone giving advice to someone that just broke up with their ex. lol

Wayne I’m surprised you didn’t follow your own rule on this… Don’t post pics until it’s in yo motha fucking driveway!!! :lol

i got all fucking amped up. fail.

These things happen. huggs You’ll find another, better, girl, buddy. Keep your head up and just be you.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Really thinking about buying an SSD… Even if capacity isnt that high, just makes more sense right now to buy an SSD then it does to buy a rotating drive.

Put OS/High use goodies on SSD… throw my two 1TB drives in a raid with 2 others in the closet on standby :lol

Oh, I thought he was talking about the driveshaft hoop

Yeah, the knife is a Spyderco Manix II. The scales are a sprint run, but you can still get the regular Manix II in a couple different options. Loving it so far. It’s a great slicer.

8 gigs for my laptop$S300W$

I got the same memz last week, $24.99 shipped on sale.

ugh, I know. I wish I had bought in then :confused:

Works as expected. Also picked up an i7-620m for my machine, I was tired of the crippled Pentium 6100 that came in it. Upgrading laptop processors FTW.

I was just faking on the last one, this is for real and here’s a pic of it in my driveway.
2005 Audi Allroad 4.2

After the winter the first thing to go will be the wheels, but they do have good snow tires on them!

honestly man if you can, cancel your order and get a braille. I’ve had like 5 of those odyssey humpty dumpty POS’s and they suck.


Adrien Coirier 184cm

Hell yeah!