Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Man cave fridge…

The guy I bought the receiver from works for GE, hes an electronics engineer or some shit, dudes got some fucking amazing equipment at his house in regards to home audio.

He has these Dayton Audio kit speakers he put together from that site, they sounded really fucking good. Thinking about picking up a set to put together for my rear surrounds.

A ton of electronic engineers there have crazy audio systems in their house. One guy I work with designs and builds his preamps with just fiber optic inputs :lol

Thanks dude.

Get me a set of Type S Waffles! When is JohnnyK coming home? I want his set. :lol

Thinking 'bout it. Has been so awesome in the roach with this snow BS.

And to replace the grungy key fob for the TSX :lol

got a starter from offroadzj.

toasty warm when i got in the truck at 6:30am today :tbu

Went to Allstar today and finally got my back finished up and got my wedding band done. I’ve been losing some weight and my band kept falling off so I said screw it and had it tattooed on so 1) I don’t have to worry about losing it or having it get caught in some machinery at work and 2) so I don’t have to buy a new ring since it was tungston and cannot be resized.

he’s got the Ford, Polaris, and Adult World flyin’ high on the farm
Plaza Linen tattooed on his left arm
spends a little more time at the store for a tag in the back that says 1/2 off.
won’t buy nothin’ that he can’t fix,
with wd40 and a craftsman wrench
he ain’t prejudice, PJB’s just made in america

no farm, no pervert store
with any luck I might be putting in my 2 weeks notice real soon
yes, I do look for clearances
I cant fix shit but Im good at breaking it
most of my tools are Snap On
and me not prejudice, really?

:lol plus rep.

What’s the new job jellies ???

pm sent

:rofl:rofl perfect

He is home I think. But his car is in storage

waiting for the detroit/tdi wizard to chime in…

not posting till i pay for it tomorrow. Alot can happen in a day.

Wayne is Diesel king

No he isn’t

Wireless Remote, RF Radio Shutter Release for Canon

Oh sit.