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car is blowing up for sure

you wouldnt have needed a trailer

and he still wouldn’t have gotten close to the MPGZ

hell yeah! it’ll probably be just me and you tho? i dont know anyone else with one around here

God damn it. I have been looking for a bottle of 120 min. IPA for weeks now Saratoga is dry

I’ve heard about how hard it is to get… I go to the beer distributor randomly and boom, they had a ton of them.


Seriously… be careful man.

Any decent beverage center should carry that.

Shoulda gotten dat r00tb33r son.

The 120 is an ass kicker I spent an hour drinking mine lol.

yesterdays purchase:

They say that if you age the 120 IPA for a bit it smooths out and becomes very enjoyable. Like 1-2 years

Nice buy Wayne.

wayne wtf bro

Dont leave the resort, and don’t leave anything unattended of value at the resort either. Known people who have been mugged and have had things/money stolen while in the resort by the pool etc


u crazy ***

Had me some UBU in lake placid this weekend, wife and I went up for the weekend and had dinner there.

They also have a maple beer that was surprisingly damn good too.