Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


Especially compared to the bullshit kids watch today.

Chicka-pah pahhh, chicka-chicka pah pahhhh. Sounds like your F150 struggling to accelerate.

High miles and a rough life but it’s perfect for what I’m going to use it for and I got it for cheap!

Did it come with the .50 Cal?

Let me ride in the back and roll thru arbor hill with a full round

Doug was the best show ever, wtf.

KBB: do not run those tires in anything that isn’t dry pavement

I fucked Patty Mayonnaise.

Oh I know lol. Those are for pure dick swinging only.

I never drive the car when it’s over a 30% chance of rain anyway.

She was just patty before you fucked her an added the mayonnaise?

Just bought a new R/C helicopter:


That’s slightly disturbing.


had me LOLing.


That music :rofl


If you need another wrx clock bezel, I have one I will give you for free off my old STi.

x25 boxes (500rds total)… Got it for $285!

x 5 boxes (100rds total) Got it for $20/box, normally $25-30!

For mounting a red dot in the 1 o’clock position (good if you have a zoom main optic so you can switch between close distance and the other optic simply by tilting the gun)

Rear shooting rest for stability on longer shots when using a bipod.

Doing more shopping now.

Where did you get 308 that cheap? I’m down :shifty

i wish… anyone want to make me something similar? SRS…