Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

I think a 2G TSX V6 wagon would be an awesome daddy car. Fucking acuras and their resale value kills that for me though. Too much cash monies.

That and they never made a v6 wagon. I miss my TSX

Yeah you’re right sedan only. Shit I just assumed it came in a wagon too.

The 2.4 in it is plenty and gets decent gas mileage

Too practical. I need my “slightly reasonable” dream daddy car to be slightly unreasonable as well haha. Now that K24 in my RSX would be tits.

you could always do a v6 swap in the future ;). i want to get a tsx wagon real bad. hopefully, the dealer contacts me in a few more months asking if i want to “upgrade” to the newest year. they have the wagon i want on their lot too. it’s been there for two months now.

i dont get why “honda” had to give us this terrible grille. all they had to do was swap in an A for the H.

that didnt take long

Nope, found one in PA, had a family member check the pup out. She turns 8 weeks old end of next week, picking her up next saturday

Man i got a soft spot for puppies and dogs in general.

Join the club man

Fucking adorable!!!

I want a bulldog so bad but no time and no place. :frowning:

ac delco, dealer installed… they are working on it now to get me back on the road but damn this shit’s expensive

To replace the one my brother broke today

Why do you have those? :rofl

because I want them.

Spent WAY too much money this weekend.
About 2 weeks ago my riding mower decided to shit the bed and mowing 2 acres with a push mower SUCKS!!!
So the first purchase this weekend was a new mower:

Also picked up the bagger for it:

About a week after the mower shit the bed I was using the air compressor in the garage and after a while I noticed that it stopped building pressure and something just didn’t sound right. Went to the back room (where the compressor is kept), put my hand next to the ‘head’ (the actual motor part… whatever its called) and I could feel every single compression stroke so it either blew the seal to hell or blew a hole in the side. Since it really wasn’t quite big enough to run what I needed, I didn’t feel like spending the money to rebuild it so the 2nd purchase this weekend was a new compressor:

Yet another week after that I noticed a very large puddle of water under my fridge and some of the food had frozen and other food was barely cold. Also noticed that the corner of the seal was almost completely gone (no idea where it went… lol). So after my nephew’s bday party it was back to the store for a new fridge:

Yea… spending that much money SUCKS! But hopefully that will be it for a while… lol.

Gotta love being a homeowner!!!

I’ve got all that shit, plus being a landlord. I want to rip my hair out sometimes

I don’t mind having to get stuff for the house… it just sucks when you end up having to get it all at once… lol. Luckily I sold the R6 so I had some extra cash.