Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

looks like theres plenty of room for your fleet in the garage

Nice place dude, congrats!!! Where is it??? I gotta get mine on the market, STAT.

Nice Nick!

Looks awesome!

House is awesome! <3 Garage

Awesome house. neighborhood is nice too. I grew up two streets over. Garage is best part IMO

Thanks everyone! I’m excited. Been waiting 3+ months to get to a closing. What an annoying process.

Thanks homie! It’s in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Schenectady. Gifford Rd to be exact. It’s not my ideal location but the property and obviously the garage is what sold me, price too. The house isn’t bad but the inside needs to be gutted. It’ll be fun though.

Thanks man! Garage was certainly the selling point.

I was joking around with my realtor that I could care less what the house looks like as long as the garage was in order and was the right size. She thought I was kidding until I pretty much just found the garage without the house :rofl

How about some pics of the inside of that garage!?!??!




:wow :wow :wow

Edit: Even an exit garage door on the other side.

Certainly has potential :slight_smile:

zomg… garage has epic potential, am jelly

needs moar ceiling height!

Awesome man. that rear door will have a fuck ton of usefulness!!!

I thought the same at first but I drive all lowered cars. I’m ok with the 9ish (no idea, just a guess) foot ceiling.

Hell yea! Especially since there is no way to get anything like a lawn tractor into the yard as it’s surrounded by that retaining wall. I plan to build a shed in the back for lawn type crap so the garage can be used for garage/mancave things. It also need insulation and heat by winter.

How are you planning on heating it?

Undetermined at this point but I was thinking radiant heat though. Open to ideas though. Unfortunately the house isn’t on natural gas yet, but there are propane tanks next to the garage for the Generac generator that I could probably share for fuel until I get natural gas installed.

Buy a Bard wall mount and never look back. the a/c in my shop is so fucking awesome especially with the weather lately.

Thanks homie! I’ll look into that. Didn’t even think about A/C and that would be EXCELLENT! I’m hoping there’s 220 out there too. If not, that’ll have to be changing in a hurry as well.