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sound good doe!!!

Where’s the turbos?

you wouldn’t see em in those pics anyway. everyone runs a footwell setup.

I saw first hand exhaust guts from the viper saturday.

how’d she sound back there?

When you and sarge were lining up i was in a hurry to close krystals window so she didnt go deaf. Sounds awesome.

lololol thanks, too bad it wasn’t much of a run. I <3 that thing. I can’t believe your girl stayed in the car like the entire night. Was she pissed??

You ever look into the Bazzaz Box with Autotune plug in? I know PC has an autotune module also but I think its only for the PC-V. I had PC-V on my ZX10 and wished I had used the autotuner for all around better riding on the bike.

Viper sounds dirty!

8.0L of Yarter fury

That was a good rhyme, now do yer curtsy

Shes always pissed.

Should I put the resonators back on ya think??? I dunno wtf.

fuck that

Sounded awesome saturday. Had a great time.


Wait … you were out?

Back on topic…

HAD TO have these for my library:


and I got this for a hat i’m making.


nope, i didnt get invited.

i dont have your number fool.

looks like it screams wayne