Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Those are going to look so good


Yeah buddy!

Aside from my AR, the only other gun I have glass optics on is my Remington 700. The scope I have on it cost 50% more than the gun. If you had anything more than say, .223/5.56, the investment in quality glass is worth it. For a .22, I’d have no problem with putting sub-$150 scopes on. I know others with 700s in a caliber between .308 and .338 Lapua that have $2500-$3500 scopes on them. That’s fucking ridiculous.

what ranges are they shooting at?

It’s not zoom level, it’s the quality of the glass, the repeatability, the features, etc…
5-25x zoom, $3,139.95.
1.1-8x zoom $3,799.95

Here’s mine:
4-16x zoom, $899.95

same as buying a DSLR… it’s not the camera that necessarily helps with the great shot, the glass plays a huge role as well, sometimes even more…

I was thinking about picking up a set for my evo… Im not sure of they really wou ld look right on it though… Opinions? White evo 8? Wheels would be 17x8

I really like Enkei Rajins, but these popped up for a good price, and are basically the same design. I love bronze on white/black cars myself. These are 17x8et35 actually.

3" Got Boost GT-R Intake kit!! woop woop

I hear they suck…lots of cool air. har har har.

while we are on the subject: Just left the As Seen On TV store with this bad boy!

Anxiously awaiting pics of the shitty haircut this thing is going to give you

Friend of mine has used one of those for the past ten years and you’d never know

Still though…it’s a fucking flow bee :rofl

Let me know when youre ready to sell them i may be interested if the timing is right…

I just went and bought something stupid… Ill give hints, its a turbo inline 4, smells like mouse poo, has flip lights, and more diamonds than my old lady.


haha yesssss


Love this generation of 3-series.