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Rox adjustable handlebar risers

and PowerMadd handguards and adjustable mounts

who the fuck is pete? if he ordered the plate then it would have been taken already…

also, it wasn’t his idea, this saying has been around for a while now…

I thought this would have gotten more attention. I’m sure jesse is jealous. :rofl

Thats awsome Maf,about friggin time…

Stuff is DELISH. :open_mouth:

Say what now?

You better not’ve bought some trick skank a rock instead of go fast parts for the car. Whose side are you on?

They’re saying that because he made his username “Fn Skanks” on SMF before we switched to VBulletin. I wouldn’t exactly say “you stole his idea/trademark” because 1.) it wouldn’t be available if it were his plate and 2.) the only person who’s trademark that is, is the guy who made the “My New Haircut” video.

ummmm its his name on here FN Skanks…aka German Muscle Car… and yes it was his idea on here to get that as a plate… hes been talking about doing it since summer … and yes we know its a saying thats been around congrats on pointing out the obv.

no oranges to go with it?


Sissy beer.

full moon owns your face

Nahh no oranges, it’s still damn good without em though.

i’m gonna have to try one tonight? is it good or are you just bustin my stones?

oh, i saw my neighbor today but he bolted inside but i’ll ask him about the tint chris… are you in a rush??

srsly try their winter ale: Full Moon.

It’s so fucking dank.

Dank? wtf

you heard, er, read right

Incredibly aromatic

a) no clue he wanted the plate, since im not on here that much…

b) he should have ordered it when he thought of the idea; maybe he didnt have the balls to?

c) get over yourselves and grow up

d) and FN SKNKS is still available…