Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


I’m thinking about bolting a replica Sea Whiz(CIWS Phalanx) to the top of my shop just to start shit…:ninja


I fly that (and the American Flag) daily on my flag pole at the house. I took them down for the winter, but I am debating putting them back up just to piss people off.

My neighbor has both flying, good stuff!

Do want Gadsden flag. Good stuff.

Country megaticket to spac

You’re supposed to do that in the toilet. Silly benny.

Semen and egg drop soup?

dog flesh and tofu

30yds 6K 2x2 carbon
100yds 3K 4HS carbon
100yds 6K 8HS carbon
15yds 3K 4HS kevlar
30yds 6K UD carbon

Just a small piece of an order for the most recent of projects here :slight_smile:

Sweet, that should be just enough for you to mold me a new semen jar.

My cnc machine a’int big enough to make that mold Mr fizzle…

Looks cheap.

Yup, ~$6600 + freight. .

That’s some expensive tint.


Looks fun!

I will take some of that gold ribbon…

def post up what you make with all that.
