Jaybird freedom bluetooth headphones. Been looking for something to listen to music at work, as the iphone headsets have SUCKED and the cord is always getting caught and pulling them out of my ears
Might have to get a set of those for the gym
Just messing around with them a bit they are amazing. I used to be HUGE into audio, and am very picky. The quality is top notch. The real test will be at work tomorrow, battery life, ect.
Awesome, when I looked quick I thought it was my old bike LOL
Didn’t get it personalized, just wanted the plate for the bike, much better looking then the yellow/blue one on it. Now I play the waiting for DMV game.
America, fuck yea.
pics no worky, gotta get it retuned?
pics worky now… Na i shouldnt need a retune. I’ll watch my boost gauge and AFR gauge and as long as everything stays in tolerance i’m fine.
Down payment to Rennessy Fabrication for an additional 5-foot section of carbon fiber tubing to extend my rig boom to 20-feet in total length. Which should be the longest carbon boom that I know of that’s not used for commercial use.
*generic internetz photo
Gotta get that boom boom boom.
looks nice man. when u putting that on?
Not sure yet have to wait on a lower IC piping from AMS to come in as well. Wanna tag team it with me?
repz 4 my vet
my dad has those plates on his f250 diesel they r nice as fawk
Finally won a PFD on ebay I wanted for the Kayak.
looked really quick and thought it was a bulletproof vest. lmao.
Haha same