Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

suckkk mydickkk

Nick likes Mustangs, I’m sure he’d suck it for ya.

post pics of the fucking car, who the fuck cares about a key you bought off ebay to look cool.

It’s got 26’s on it he has to remove first.

Looks like a V6 w/ stickers.

It is.

tinted windshield? car is dope as is.

Ballin with the home theater as of late and other misc shit to possible do some room sound treatments

Integra Receiver:

Rotel Amplifier:

EMP Speakers (dont mind the messy room)

2 of these RW-12D subwoofers (have 1 already, ordered a second)

Calibrated Microphone and misc accessories to use it to check frequencies responses etc in the room so I can adjust/move accordingly


30 gallons of B17 striper. This stuff will eat powdercoating and epoxy coat like a bennyfizzle on cake. I am sick of dealing with AKA being ripped off by the only sandblast guy in upstate NY I can find.

speaking of, how much to do my valve cover? its magnesium fyi

ummm. what temp do they blow up at?

edit, quick research says it takes alot to ignite it temp wise. but it softens up alot aparantly at 400 deg (what the oven needs to cook at), and outgasses like a motherfucker. Outgassing is when the heat in the part opens the pours in the metal, releasing the gas trapped inside, UNDER the fresh coating you just laid, making bubbles in the finish.

If they are cheap and you want to try it ill give it a shot. its up to you. I wont guarrentee the results though.

I’ve seen lots of people do it.

I just want wrinkle black, I think. Actually I’ll probably thumb through your book and pic out something stupid.

It needs to be a light dicktone color. More pinkish

yeah like mauve or some shit


can you do wrinkle mauve?

lets try it! pick a color and let try it. worst thing that happens is we burn the shop down!

I actually have a dick tone! lol

We don’t have a book… We have bud light aluminum bottles cuz were men