Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

I went to All Star on Mohawk Ave with Noah…He did a fantastic job and plan to go there either this month or next month for my second tatTOO

Was your first one a tramp stamp?

Not even close :wink:

Im betting its something Mustang related

New ST album. I even went to the store and paid for a CD for a change :lol

I need more ink. Need to finish my koi on my calf then probably more work on my shin

I think ill eventually get one. I’ve know what I want I just have more important issues the money could be used for ATM.

I got my first one at 18, then didn’t get my next one for 7 years. 18 months later I’ve got a half sleeve on one arm, almost a half sleeve on the other, a small piece on my chest and then both of my legs from my knees down are done. They can be addictive

That’s what I’ve heard. Also another reason I’m delaying it haha.

Wrong guess Paul :wink:

getting my second one soon. I had Tony Squindo draw up a design, prolly going to Dead Prez again to get it

Glad they finally made the tag like a third of the size.

they changed the tags? maybe itll work in my FJ now.

shit only read 60% of the time before

eh, i guess its about 1/2 the size

ill give it a whirl

Woah I want a new tag.

My car has so much shyt where it shows to put the tag, I hope I dont have any problems.

Just hold it up to window while you go through tolls.

get the license plate one

I’m pretty sure it’s RFID which means you don’t even need a line of site. Ie: you can theoretically leave that shit anywhere in the car and it’ll work.

I still hold it up, but it’s rfid not fricken laser beams.