Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

yep! they are awesome people too. About the best dealership I dealt with in a long time. Tons of higher end cars there and the ones we looked at were not shady at all. Would absolutely do business with them again!

$100 car payment?

and no its not financed till 2054 :rofl

You know if you an Wayne just wanted to start digging big holes in the ground out in D-burg you couldda just borrowed mine. That’s a nice(and expensive) piece of hardware you got there though.

Was this the tractor I was told Wayne might want me to make an exhaust for? It’s all starting to make sense now :rofl

what did that set you back for

More than you can afford pal, Kubota.

^ Zactly! Bought one of the last ones in the NE left. Starting in 2014 emissions are going to change and the prices will be at least 4K highter for this model.

We plan on using it to help build the new house- which will be a looonggg project. Driveway/ septic/ foundation etc. Definitely expensive, but worth every penny we paid for it.

And of course he’s already talked about putting an exhaust on it :facepalm Can’t leave nothing alone.

Couple shirts and hoodies

And bought the old Lady a hoodie too

Happy wife, happy life…Happy wife, happy life…Happy wife, happy life…Happy wife, happy life…Happy wife, happy life…Happy wife, happy life… Maybe if I keep repeating it I will convince myself it’s worth it…
2013 VW Touareg TDI Sport Edition with Navigation

Just have to finish up paperwork this week… should have it the middle to end of this week. In all honesty, the 7700lb tow capacity with full frame and tow hitch tied directly into the frame helped make me feel a little better… lol


we’re also welcoming a new truck to the family of fine Fords over here. All of which are Detroit powered. This newest acquisition came from Cheney Washington. We’re sure glad to have adopted another one.

Congrats on purchase. Love them.

^ Kenny my friend had one, moves out pretty good for such a large suv :lol

For my Frontier, I want to hear it whine more;

The 7700lb tow capacity helped convince me… along with an average 20mpg while towing (twice what we were getting with the Liberty). Also like having a true frame with the tow received ‘molded’ into the frame.

I am in no way a fan of Vw, and I was impress with the truck. You get the black interior? Seats are sweet, aggressive design. I want to say he told me he was getting almost 50mpg with it.

Yup. Flint gray exterior with black interior. I could never do a white interior… lol

Finalized the sale on my 05 s2k today. Paying off my college loans tomorrow
