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that why i didnt do soemthing like IT…besides it not interesting me all. i think the field i shose isnt something you can aquire at a 4 year school… another main reason i chose to do it. i think 4 year schools are a rip off in a lot of regards. I like major concentrated schooling, not two years of nonsense classes. 8 dollars aint much but its better than no job…way to many college grads with no job. too much short sightednees when they picked a major… business, computers…etc…small fish in a big pond and you better have a nice set of titties if you want a job…but like you said… low man on the totem pool…i’m him already so the onyl way to go is up. I think working at the bottom has made me concentrate that much harder on school and what i really want to do than i ever could have when i was 17-23… College should spend more time teaching life skills for core classes rather than science and foreign languages, etc… All these sales people that get hired out of college are absolutely clueless… they got a 4 year degree in listening to some liberall asshole spew their own agenda and could sell a cup of ice water to someone in hell. working in an office enviroment is like living a version of high school all over again except this time drinkin is legal.