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Should of used the $25k for a better education than the one you got at Pitt.

then maybe you wouldnā€™t complain about your deadend job on here. :bigok:

x2 Amazing game so far.

never went to pittā€¦ havenā€™t complained about work recently because iā€™m doing something about itā€¦ Iā€™m taking classes at PTI.

pic of $25K engagement ringā€¦?

F-thatā€¦ pics of the :clit: worth $25k?


Not my purchase but my sale . I finally get my garage back

Ibanez GSR200 Bass Guitar

I wouldnā€™t neccessarily say that PTI is a better education than Pittā€¦ You get a whole bunch of shit crammed into a short period of time and no supporting classes like English/Math etcā€¦

i didnt say it was betterā€¦its better for what i need thouā€¦ i dont need all those BS classesā€¦ im goin for electronics engineering so i can learn a real trade instead being an ass kisser and and yes man in the business world. and u do have to take a few core classes but not the extent you do at a 4 year schoolā€¦ math is acually what iā€™m takin now since its a huge part of electronicsā€¦ 4 year schools are a huge rip off in a lot of casesā€¦ people coming out 80k in debt and can find a job necause they werent actually trained to do anything. part of PTI is an internship doin stuff in ur field and more than 50% turn into job offersā€¦ i wont be in much debt when iā€™m done either. having worked around sales and marketing for 10 years now i see what business practices are all aboutā€¦ ass kissing Middle management doin anythng to save their ass, Grossly over paid and under working vice presidents, brain dead droids that will take ass fuckings instead of speaking up with a good idea. i could be a lot more successful in my current job if i sold out who i am and what i believe is right and wrong. I decided it was time to learn a trade where i my job is pretty black and white. When iā€™m done i plan on working with comerical elcetronics. it may be medical, it may be manufacturing, it may even be elevatorsā€¦I just know that its not gonna be kissing ass and lying to people to get them to buy a product that is misrepresentedā€¦

I know what you are saying, but Iā€™ve been through the PTI system, so Iā€™ve seen how it all works.

It all depends on what youā€™re going for. I went for IT and, while it was a good education, youā€™re still at a significant disadvantage coming into the job market competing with 4 year degrees. And all the jobs PTI wants to line up for you are $8/hr. helpdesk positions and you get to be low man on the totem pole and answer to middle management. While I know you have to start somewhere, I can flip burgers for almost $8/hr nowadays.

I will, when it drops in price. I paid ~$5 each for those so iā€™m happy with it. :wink:

congrats bud and good luck with youre next 2 yrs

that why i didnt do soemthing like ITā€¦besides it not interesting me all. i think the field i shose isnt something you can aquire at a 4 year schoolā€¦ another main reason i chose to do it. i think 4 year schools are a rip off in a lot of regards. I like major concentrated schooling, not two years of nonsense classes. 8 dollars aint much but its better than no jobā€¦way to many college grads with no job. too much short sightednees when they picked a majorā€¦ business, computersā€¦etcā€¦small fish in a big pond and you better have a nice set of titties if you want a jobā€¦but like you saidā€¦ low man on the totem poolā€¦iā€™m him already so the onyl way to go is up. I think working at the bottom has made me concentrate that much harder on school and what i really want to do than i ever could have when i was 17-23ā€¦ College should spend more time teaching life skills for core classes rather than science and foreign languages, etcā€¦ All these sales people that get hired out of college are absolutely cluelessā€¦ they got a 4 year degree in listening to some liberall asshole spew their own agenda and could sell a cup of ice water to someone in hell. working in an office enviroment is like living a version of high school all over again except this time drinkin is legal.

You may think 4 year schools are a rip off, but employers donā€™t. I hope you get the job you want though, itā€™s tough out there. My good friend has an electronics degree and had to go back to school and get an IT degree to get anywhere.

I agree that 4 year degrees are a ripoff and thatā€™s why I donā€™t have one. But a technical school will really do nothing more than introduce you to the field, at least a 4 year education will get you a few more interviews.

i know employeers dontā€¦ its a shameā€¦ its a shame the people get hired on their BS skills (job interview) iā€™d rather someone be completely honest and say they want a job because they want a pay checkā€¦ A friend of mine recently had an interview and they asked him if he was a kitchen utensil what would he beā€¦ if it were me i would have got up and walked out. I dont wanna work some place thats gonna decide whether to hire me based on a stupid question like that. Besides an assoc. degree i will also have certain industry based certifications ( ie: soldering) PTI has many electronics companies on their board ( mckesson, verizon, GE, westinghouse, etcā€¦) these companies are using the place as a feeder. having an intership as part of the degree requirements is a good thing. I bought into what they are selling but i think comercial electronics is only gonna keep growingā€¦

Bobā€¦you have a crazy take on the world. I wish you all the luck in the world though.

Oh. And I just bought some cupcakes out of a vending machine. I donā€™t have a picture because I ate them already.

in the labor field the Tech degree holds more value then others do. A tech school focusā€™s souly on a skill and actuall hands on. Others are all classroom you can be all books but no hands on and that gets you no where. its better to be little older and have actual hands on experience plus the education then just young and no experience. Companies are going to teach you their way anyways but the employer sees the degree and that helps that person over the next. Most 4 yr degrees are waterā€™d down and alot of those ppl arent even using those degreesā€™. Those 4 yr ppl are making same as the 2yr guy. THis also depends on the field you go into.

ive spoke to a few ppl that grad from PTI in electronics and they work at verizon but in customer service messing with cell phones. It however does pay the bills

i have the 2 year ass. degree in specialized electroncs from ittā€¦ the only thing it did was get me a foot in the door and fill up space on a resumeā€¦ would i have the job i have now with out going? no way in hell, but i can tell you i use maybe 1% of my edjumacation at my job, that degree is just like any other degree, it tells people that you can learn how to do a task.

exactly, they are on the consumer end of electronics which i dont wantā€¦ iā€™d much rather be in reapir or manufacture of comercial electronics.

i dont think my view of things is slantedā€¦ iā€™m 30ā€¦ and i see all these kids comming outt college into the sales dept gettin hired over people that have worked in the business for yearsā€¦they all look they were picked out of catalog. But they arent the problemā€¦ middle management is the problem, HR depts are the problem, VPs that dont know what the low man is doin is the problemā€¦ iā€™m just callin it stright down the line without smoke and mirrorsā€¦I try to be a brutally honest as i canā€¦ I know how the game worksā€¦iā€™m just not gonna play itā€¦ i have too much respect for myself to sit here and convince people to buy a product i know sucksā€¦ I could sell if i was allowed to tell the customer the way i see things but not how the company wants me to sell itā€¦ the way i deal with a customer is make it seem like i;m on their side, like iā€™m doin them a favor. it defuses most irate customers i get at the windows. the company wants you to believe you should come because the team is gettin betterā€¦ i know thats not really true and it wont be true till the greater problem of the whole sport gets address but what i would do is to tell people to come just to have a good time win or lose and might even get to see somthing historic happen that night. thats the great thing about sports, no matter how good or bad you team you might be able to say " i was there so and so threw the no-hitter" or " i was there joe blow kicked a 64 yrd fg to break the record" etc etcā€¦ or nothing happed and my team lost but i still had fun hanging out with my friends. Instead you have there people that went to 4 year school and come up with these assinine concepts when what they really need to do is take a look at reality, come down to the windows on a given night and find out what the fans are really like, care about. you canā€™t get the pulse of your fan base by doing a few q & Aā€™s every year and sitting in ur office looking at ur diplomaā€¦ you need to get down and dirty and get yelled at by some pissed off drunk people over a $9 ticket to have a full understanding. the experience iā€™ve gained over the last 10 years is exponentially great than any business stuff i could have learned from a book.

pti isnt specializedā€¦thats whats good about itā€¦ its broad so you have a wide knowledge and ur not painted into a corner.