Post your Zombie Defense Kit

JayS, your plan sounds sweet. Make sure to pack some form of CB radio so I can contact you to come to your island.

SX3 and .357

No way! the highway would be a mess with abandoned cars, it would be a road block. And likely someone would have tried this ahead of you and failed at the boat launch, thereby blocking the exit. In theory it works, but it would be hard executed.

If you could make it to Navy Island, that is a good idea!


think about how bad ass it would be though, doing like 60 mph, skimming 30 ft into the water then hopping out and crusing off in the boat. All the while passengers are still mowing down noob zombies the whole time.

/\ lol @ noob zombies.

As my main weapon:


When ammo is out:

Clipped to be vest:


In my backpack. To ensure survival:

SKS? really? That gun is junk. Why not the newer version of the SKS also known as AK-47.

They aren’t junk, they are awesome. :slight_smile:

I love zombie stories…

Everyone now has to give their survival PLAN: GO

Psshhht easy.

Gather a group of well armed men, with at least one female of child bearing age incase you need to restart the human race.

Gather enough food for 3 months.

Get to the top of a strong brick building and blow out the stairs and every other way up to the roof. Camp out on roof. Keep heavily armed guards.

Be sure to plant mines/claymores/c4/ etc incase zombies somehow make it onto roof.

Have fun sniping various zombies from safety of said roof.

Wait for zombies to starve.


If there was a zombie invasion, most of you would be safe. They’re here for brains.


According to most Zombie books/movies Zombies do not need to eat flesh to survive. So you’d need much more then 3 months food. I think they said it would take on average 1.5 - 2 years for a human body to decompose completely, so even on the good side your looking at a solid year.

Not to mention that freezing zombies prolongs their lives and they don’t decompose while frozen.

oooooo Boneless Porkchop in Jamaican style sauce with noodles! guaranteed to tear something on the way out.

Your theory is flaud with the water…

Land of the Dead

Zombies cross the water by walking in it, in theory you could survive being in deep water if they did go into the water so they could not reach your boat from the bottom of the lake or ocean. Best set up would be the end of “I am Legend”, tall walls so they could not climb, have a village inside the walls and let time take its course until they die off from decomposing.

Instead of weapons start building walls and a very strong door:pimp:

It doesn’t matter how fortified you are because there will always be that one last survivor pounding at the door, begging you to let them in. It will most likely be a hot female, which you wouldn’t have seen a living hot female in months, so you would let her in. At that point you’d find out she had been bitten, but it’d be too late… or the zombies would take advantage of the opening and just plow in with overwhelming force.

Srsly, it happens every time.

That’s why I went with Navy Island. Being just above the falls the current is too swift to swim, or in the case of zombies, walk from the US or Canadian side.

The island has a ton of wildlife for food, land for farming and year round fishing. That’s a much better plan than hoping you packed enough food before knocking out your stairs. And honestly, who keeps a 3+ month stockpile of food on hand. If mad cow turns into mad human tomorrow there would be a rush on food. Not to mention I wouldn’t want to be hanging out with a mass of people in a grocery store during a zombie outbreak.

And I have the SKS because I bought it a long time ago for $75 cash on an indian reservation in Canada. When the government outlaws guns they’ll have a hell of a time figuring out where that one ended up. :wink:

Holy shit I’m dead, I’ve got nothing close to this crap! At best I’ve got a Leatherman knife, Gerber tool, 6-7" Finnish hunting knife and 2 bats. Oh well at least I’ll have some fun on my way out bashing the shit outta some zombies. Best I can do is go to the old man’s house and bust out the 12ga or 30-.06 and jump in his boat - if we can make it to Charlotte, haha.

you wouldn’t make it, unless you somehow took all back roads and never had to stop for gas.

Filled with holy water this thing is a monster weapon! :wink:

I saw a guy make a flamethrower out of a supersoaker… hmm

The first one is great. I haven’t picked it up but I just bought this for home defense:

Hi-point 9mm carbine. I wanted the .40 but we’ve got ten thousand rounds if 9mm and I got this for a GREAT price.