find something in there that isn’t documented in other history books. would you like me to explain how and why the islamic religion was formed
i ‘read the mother fucking news’ and i know he wasn’t a CONTRACTOR :rolleyes:
I think there is plenty of evidence that money donated to osama came from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebenon, Iran.
There is plenty of evidence that money donated to osama came from the United States of America too. Your point?
also why would the al-quada leader be wanted in Iraq if they didn’t have a presence there?
I’m not sure what you mean here. Are you trying to say that Osama Bin-Laden[the al-quada leader] is in Iraq? There is a large al-quada stronghold in Pakistan, much larger than Iraq, why don’t we invade them. Also, are you trying to say that because there is an al-quada presence in iraq that means that Sadaam was working with them? Does that mean that the al-quada presence in Pakistan mean that Musharraf is working with al-quada?
I have no problem watching battle footage but a man in a foreign country just there to help rebuild it being murdered is not something anyone should have to see…God Forbid someday someone you love is murdered in cold blood and it be up on the net.
I agree 100%
Like I said you want to see how palestine was created read the bible. It is the greatest history book ever writen period. If you stupid asses can’t read I will be happy to sumerize it for you.
So you are going to begin using the bible to push your political views? Please be aware that if you are going to justify your actions with the bible, you allow any other religious group to use their book to base their actions on, no matter how they interpret it.
holy crap we agree on something…the bible is a religious doctrine but is also the greatest book of history in the middle east there ever was
It was a strategic move eh? NO FUCKING SHIT! My point is, that if we HADNT used atomic weapons on Japan, then we would have had to go in and do it the old fashioned way…air raids, and ground troops, which would have meant millions of deaths on both sides. Tokyo WOULD HAVE BEEN AN PRIMARY TARGET IF A CONVENTIONAL WAR WAS TO BE FOUGHT WITH JAPAN. Just like Paris was in France and London was in England.
but you dont KNOW that you’re makign speculation and then calling me a jackass for pointing out facts.
Ok, what the hell does any of that have to do with Japan?
My religious views have nothing to do with my view of the Bible as a historically accurate text.
the bible to push political veiws? all I said is it is a historical book that will help you understand why islamic militants hate the Israelis and others that support them.
yes there are people here who donated but guess what they can’t do shit right now cause we are watching things in this country too hard. the FBI knows who those people are they are just watching and waiting. also many of the donations came from groups that used a “front” to take donations.
Yes I will come out and say straight that I think saddam funded international terrorism. If he didn’t then why would he not release his financial documents?
my a d d prevents me from following a post for more than about 8 or 9 pages but yins could go at it for weeks ib :mullet: brush my plumage
dude tell me what in the bible isn’t historicly accurate? any story in the bible that can be studied and proven has been proven true 100%. That has nothing to do with God.
Edit: there is no scientific way to prove that Jesus was the son of God. either you believe it or you don’t…I do but that has nothing to do with the bible as a historical document
theres no speculation about it. There were two military plans on the table in front of Truman. He had to pick. He picked the atomic route, and it saved millions of lives and ended a war that would have lasted a few more years in less than a week.
uh… do you really want me to get into that??? The entire Old Testament is nothing more than a book of parables. You are seriously telling me that the creation, Noah’s ark, Moses receiving the 10 commandments, the plagues moses bestowed upon Egypt (burning bush, that shit…), moses parting the red sea… That has all been proven 100% to have happened? Shit, thats news to me…
do you have details of these plans that says that tokyo was a primary bombing target
exactly, so why can’t we use nuclear bombs to get rid of Iraqi innsurgents? we drop 2 bombs in Iraq I bet the shit will stop they will be scared as hell and that is the way it should be.
“if a woman is killed in a car crash that is a tragety, If I kill 100,000 people I am a hero” you figure out what it means and who said it
Agreed, and i wasnt looking at in a religious sense, I was looking at is solely as a historical documentation. However, the very fact that it is a religious document lends it to bias, and bias is bad when it comes to historical documents.
there are other documents that document noahs ark and also the current location of the ark, the plagues are documented in egypts history as well as the red sea.
you seem to be one of those people that claim the holocaust never happened because there’s no “proof”
history channel had something on about teh red sea… watched some of it… it was like low tide or some shit and they could walk acrossed it. :dunno: i think thats how it went.
actually a giant flood that covered the earth was proven(noahs ark they also think they may have found the ark) and yes the plagues on egypt were proven by the amount of population that was lost in that time frame. Like I said some things can’t be scientificly proven you either beleive it or you don’t
you dont have to believe the power behind what happened but it has been documented outside of the religious “documentation”
So were can I find that piece of shrapnel :naughty: ??? And will it really make it twice as big as it should be :itr41: Hmmmmm maybe it will glow to :kekegay: