POW has head cut off by Iraqi's.

Who is they??? Every antisocial nut in the islamic world is claiming to be elcida to get respect and credabilty over there.

yeah and all teh vietnamese were happy to see us too! the youd get blown up by a roadside bomp, or kill the person that was serving you lunch yesterday. Iraq is two faced as a mofo. Shit the world is two faced as hell for the most part. You play the stronger side even if youre on teh weaker team. Its a waiting game for most of these people. They’ll wait till its safe to cause violence and then be one of teh happy Iraqis when the troops come in. Its guerrila warfare, shit like this is gonna happen. / rant

it wasnt about a quick war, it was about ending a horribly long and bloody war without sending a few million more americans to their deaths. And yes, they had some idea of what this weapon could do. They DID test it before the dropped them on Japan. They might not have known the complete extent of the aftermath it would have, but im sure they had some idea. I mean, these people INVENTED the atomic bomb. Im sure they had more than a basic understanding of radiation and nuclear technology.

Either way, the OVERWHELMING majority of Iraqi’s do apporve of the US liberating them. It would be like nuking all of Montana because thats where Timothy McVeigh was from.

well to start off the sentance ‘no people over there are insane’ makes no sense. Are you trying to tell us that they’re all sane over there or are you trying to say that they’re insane. IBYouSaySomethingAboutYouBeingTooTired/TypingTooFast

and how do you go from talking about how people pillage goods to saying that everyone wants to kill. Just because element A is true [being that people pillage goods] does not mean whatsoever that element B is true [that they want to kill everyon]. Did you ever think about why these people might be pillaging goods? Did you ever realize that after the invasion the unemployment rate is somewhere near 70%?

You have the worst logic ever

they didn’t have much idea of the effects, the guys there at the testing site would pick up shrapnel and stuff, and sit in bunkers that weren’t shielded from radiation…one guy picked up a piece of the shrapnel from the bomb they tested underwater and his hand is now twice as big as it should be, they had a general idea but they had NO idea the long term consequences of the bomb, you can’t test the 30 year effects of a bomb in a couple months of testing :rolleyes:

i’m talking about deformed babies, still births, lukemia, other medical problems that effected the generation after the bomb…

almost as good as that 2qwk2c guy who said he was putting his last post 3 pages ago in this thread and is still posting random bullshit.

yeah i know what your saying. But on the other hand, the people you think are your friends could be the people shooting guns at you the next day. You will never be able to rid teh whole region of little pockets of resistance. We are playing on their turf and that makes it a whole differnt ball game. we should either pull all our troops out now or start spraying machine guns in the crowds that shots come from. We arte actually making them feel safe because we wont hurt the innocent. If we do they get all pissy and say were assholes and what not. But they have no problem burning contractors and decapitating a salesman. Iraq is a no win situation. To me therers only 2 ways to beat that, get out cut and dry, or destroy all your competition and say fuck the rest of the world while they hate on us.

Either way, the human losses were FAR less than a conventional bombing campaign, even if you include the radiation caused deaths from years after. A conventional bombing campaign in Tokyo would have killed 10x as many people as the nukes did. Todays youth seems to forget that. Back in WWII, civilians were NOT excluded from war. They were just as much a target as soldiers. Germany inflicted tremendous civilian casualties in their bombing raids on London and other British cities. Imagine sitting in downtown Pittsburgh and hearing German bombers flying over the city and releasing a shitload of bombs. Now also imagine having that happen every day for a few years.

ok go ahead and talk to the chinese that are still affected by the Bubonic (sp) Plauge. Yeah teh Japanes droped clay bombs filled with fleas that carried several types of diseases. Parts of china are still affected by this bombing.

how you figure…they dropped 2 nuclear bombs killed a ton of people and japan surrendered, how would “conventional bombing campains” killed more, or did i miss something and they dropped the nuclear bombs on 2 military cities?

you forgot option 3, which is to establish a sense of law and order, pursue relentlessly the people that are acting violently, and then set up an interim government for them, so that they may take control of their own country and govern themselves.

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they’re attackign the weak because they know it will be effective, how many us contractors have been killed like that? how many us soldiers have been killed like that? they’re attacking unarmed civilians like a bunch of fucking pansies

on a side note other than a few random stupid people this is probably the most logical discussion OT has seen since i joined this board.


You are assuming that the people that invented the technology and tested it were the ones who made the decision to drop it. The tests they ran were of MUCH smaller scale than what they dropped…

arent we trying to do that now? its obviously not working.

We arte actually making them feel safe because we wont hurt the innocent

Well many don’t feel that way. There have been several statistics released by non-biased groups [such as the red cross] that say anywhere from 70-90% in the occupation prison camps have not committed any crimes. If you read any of the blogs posted online by Iraqi’s you can read about how their parents houses have been raided, their shit taken and having to deal with guns pointed in their faces and the Americans coming up with nothing.

If we do [hurt the innocent] they get all pissy and say were assholes and what not.

Is it unreasonable to get pissed if innocent people are hurt?

But they have no problem burning contractors and decapitating a salesman

Please elaborate on who ‘they’ is. Are you saying the Iraqi population? Because thats what you seem to allude to. Please show me that 22 million Iraqi’s have ‘no problem’ burning contractors and decapitating salesmen

What im saying is, that a long drawn out conventional bombing campaig on Tokyo would have killed more people in the long run.

The population of Hiroshima was about 250,000 people, while Tokyo had more than 5 million people. Big difference.