Powdercoat vs Painting

I’m debating which route to go.

I need my lexus 17inchers redone as they are chipping pretty badly and flaking off now.

I dont want to spend more than 60-80/wheel. Pro’s and cons of both?

Who can do the work? I know Jamie Miracle can powdercoat, as can powdertech. I also have someone who can paint.

Has anyone had work done that can post pictures?


nope lock 1

The valve covers on my R34 were powdercoated, forgot how much it was though. I’m most likely going to be getting one of the sets of TE37’s re-finished by powdercoating them as well, unless I trade off one of the sets.

Thanks for the valuable input Benny.

Cossey, any pics?

Also interested in paint vs. powdercoat opinions, good thread

Just got ahold of powdertech and they are doing my wheels for $80/pc. For quality, ill spend the extra $20.

But what’s the real difference between the two? Pic comparisons?

I walnut blasted a set of cheap Konig imagines 3 years ago, polished the lips again and painted the spokes the platinum grey, same color as my jetta.

Used etching primer, base coat and about 5 passes of clear coat. All PPG stuff. Even with the heat cycles with the breaks and what not with them, they havnt chipped or peeled, or cracked or anything. still look mint like the day i painted them.

Break dust comes right off the clear coat too, but you gota be carefull cleaning them, just treat the wheels the same as you would your bodies paint and your good.

If you want a crazy color that powder coat cant get or is too expensive, paint done properly is just fine.

Powder coat is more durable, but if your not seeing dirt/rocky road blasts 24/7 or shit going on where you need a harder colored surface powder coat is over kill imo. If your driving it on the road, and all your going to ever have hit the wheels are break dust, just paint them.

nothing. Maybe the cleat coat, but powdercoat clear is right up there with automotive clear coat.

My Lexus is my DD, and the 17s come off in November when the winters go on. So basically it’s only seeing some brake dust, road grime and rocks from driving…

do powdercoating . Its more money but tottally worth it . I think it tends to hold up better then painting no matter what preping you do.

You say that but yet you spray painted your wheels :rofl

I did cause im on a budget. I would tottally have gotten them powdercoated instead if I had the money. But I had to settle with wheel paint instead so i can pay for other things…tune.:slight_smile:

tune>wheel paint, ill give you that dude ladude

do it right and paint is fine, you guys act like powdercoat won’t chip off either.

I dunno who you’re talking to, but I don’t. I’ve put countless hours into these BBShits and I’m really just trying to get the best finish and durability out of the final product, price is a factor, but not as much as finish and quality. I’m sure Captain Cryanalot has a similar outlook

It will chip, but it’s alot more durable than paint.
It is kinda expensive though. Depending if your tires are already mounted should affect your decision too, that is if cost is your greatest concern. You need to take into account taking off/putting the tires on the rim if you go with powdercoat…

I’d go with powdertech, spend a little extra dough. Doing it the right way is worth it…

This car is beat as fuck with some rust showing up from the salt, so why spend the cash on oem rims when i can paint/prime/clear for under 50.00. Not looking to dish out money on looks right now.Rather get it tuned and know it wont blow up lol.

I say if you have the money and nothing else to buy ,do it . If not go with paint maynee

I always thought a proper paint job was more durable than powdercoated wheels. For all you OEM fanbois out there: What does a factory wheel have? Paint?

I have a friend that can take off my tires and re mount them for close to nothing.