Ever since my cars been on the road, i’ve had problems with my power locks. When i unlock the door i have to open it in 1-2 seconds before all the locks click close again, this always happens, anytime its unlocked it goes back to the lock position in a second or 2. Anyone know why??
Also my power windows also work fine except the passenger side buttons wont roll up or down the window but i can open and close it for them (no the window lock is not on) so yah anybody know, mayb just the wiring?? is there some way to reset this stuff?
I just simply got rid of my power locks all together, they are a pain in the ass sometimes, I took off the door pannel and inside under the lock mechanism there is a solenoid, you can unbolt it and throw it out, no point in power locks unless you absolutly must have them.
Are you still using the factory power locks? Do you have aftermarket actuators in there? Remote, no remote? Are the door locks running that stupid mimic system?
need some more information.
no remote, factory garbage. They go mental, when i put it in the unlock position both locks, unlock then lock unlock then lock… they also go into the lock position so if i were to leave my car on or off and step out the locks go into the lock position always.