Anybody had this problem before?
I have a 95 240 that came with the stock keyless remote entry.
After that big rain we had a month ago, it stopped working.
I can still lock and unlock the doors using the switch inside the car, but the remote is not working at all.
Checked the batteries of the remotes and they’re good.
I was fine without using the remote. I just lock/unlock my doors manually.
So I’ve been doing this for a while now and then all of a sudden I’m finding that my doors unlock without me doing anything.
For example, I park the car. Lock the doors. Do whatever I gotta do.
Come back an hour later and my doors are unlocked.
this happens to my '95 Pathfinder… it’s like the power door locks have a mind of their own. sometimes i hit the door lock button, shut the door, and they immediately unlock… sometimes the doors stay locked after i shut em, but as i’m walking away (after like 10 seconds) i hear them unlock… other times they stay locked but i come out hours later and they’re unlocked :? and very rarely they actually stay locked.
all i can say is i’m glad i’m not living in Scarborough still!
get the FSM (if you don’t have it, I can send you the PDF files) and look at the schematic diagram for the power door lock.
Basically everything goes over the “Smart Entrance Control Unit”
You just need a multimeter… start checking the terminals on the control unit by following the steps in the FSM… it’s very easy actually, it’ll take you no more than 30 min to finish everything…