Power Start-up Issue... Help/Advice would be appreciated

Turned the ignitition in the morning; Nothing. The moment I turn the ignition the power cuts out… I proceed to clean the battery contacts slightly… and Jump start my car… Success~ I leave it idling for about 2 hours; before i head out. Drove around to do some arrends in and around markham — at my last stop (markville) *** Same shit – Insufficient power; Car goes blank at turn of ignition (*keep in mind no engine roll, time in speedo goes out)

Took the battery to Crappytire for a diagnosis; Check out OK. I purchased some Battery Cleaner and Belt Dressing. ** (I’ sometimes have squeling… assuming its the alt belt maybe)… Clean the contacts and dressed the belts…

I don’t really see it being the ALT… cause… if it was the ALT the car would shut off during DRIVING? Won’t it? Battery checks out OK on CT’s Tester? Any suggestions as to what may be causing this?

Factors of significance*

  • Sqealing. Sometimes at start-up or when running heater along with stereo and lights on a cold day…
  • Very rarely idles bobs… Nothign drastic.
  • Stock KA24e, Gay HKSshroom. Disabled Psteering.


I forgot to mention that I did check the Altenator Fuse and other in that same Fuse/Relay Box…

crappy battery terminals?

are they original, like say 10 years old +

I know my factory terminals fit like siht and I also encounter this problem, fusing with the contact always fixes my problem…

Replacement terminals should be like $5-$10 @ CT

same thing happen to me. for me it was a loose ground wire on the battery. so check and see if u can pull the ground wire off by hand. if so push the wire and tighten the bolt until u can’t move it.

sounds liek a ground