Turn over key, power goes out

Alright, when I turn over the key all the power in the car goes out. When the key is in the ignition all the power is fine to the dash and radio, then as soon as I go to turn it over, all the power goes out and the car wont start. What could this be? Any help is appreciated.

check your battery terminals make sure theyre tight.

yeah i just checked and the ground one is pretty loose, but its maxed out tightness wise hmm, what can i do to make it snug? smaller diameter connector?

try using jumper cables… dead battery? all my interior ligts radio worked when my bat was dead but as soon as you went to turn it over nothing happened…

cut 4 metal shims and put them on the outside of the post, then put the connector on. i did this with my winter beater prelude.

fuck, these cars are weird, i didnt touch anything and just kept cranking over the car and the power was going out, but i just kept doing it(dont know why) then it started? hmm, oh well, it started so im happy, thanks guys

It’s either your terminals, or one of the grounds like you said. Prolly the amount of vibrating from constant cranking caused the loose ground to make more contact with the chassis? lolz, either way, you should fix it before something like that happens again in public haha. GL

starter is probably fucked

had this exact same problem, like to the tee, CSK-240-R1 was actually the one to help me figure it all out, turned out being the starter like he said…(after we had orignally thought it was an alternator) it would do exactly what you described and start once in a blue moon and have the power till your turn the key… check the starter, if there is power going to the starter i would put my money on that