Power steering belt snapping!

A couple days after getting an SR swap done the engine is mint great install but my power steering belt snapped after reving it to like 5000rpms in neutral. A few days later i get a new Power steering belt and get it installed infront of me so it was’nt too tight or loose, anways power steering is working amazing like never before than a few days later I’am merging onto the high at 4.5000rpms and after I’am done merging everything is still good than I’am taking a turn on the highway and i feel my power steering is’nt working…so i check and belt is gone once again!

I have no idea what can be wrong anyone who has a clue please let me know, Thanks!

Check and see if your power steering pump is loose, also check the shaft play of the pulley on the power steering pump. If your pump is loose, take the reciept and go back to the place where you got it changed, show them the loose power steering pump and be like wtf install me a new belt for free now. Try spinning the PS pump pulley by hand and check if its seized or not. Also if you did your swap right, make sure the belts arent near anything and that nothing is getting caught in them that might make them potentially rip.

Check the pullys as well, on the crank and the pump, make sure all the journals i guess you can call them, are still good and no nicks or bends or debris in them.
my 2 cents

Hurricane experienced the same thing while on the track at Dunnville.

Alright thanks alot guys I’am going to check all these things today and hopefully its one of those problems if not ill go to the shop and get them to fix it.

check to see if you have a hicas belt as they are 1 ridge wider than non-hicas belts.

this could cause undo stress…

Same thing happened to me… Check the water pump… The bearings in my water pump were shot causing it to shake a lot… This was causing issues with the belt sticking to the pulleys properly and causing them to snap… Sounds outrageous… but it was the problem with mine…

be a trooper and drive without PS like i did