Pray for bills te kevin everett

man, thats horrible :frowning: i hope he recovers to the best case scenario :frowning:

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:38,topic:35083"”]

well, as if this story isn’t sad enough, i have some more to add to it…

a friend of mine was in the physical training program at canisius, and worked on the sidelines with the bills. he said that everett grew up in what would pass for a shack with his large family. they were dirt poor. fast forward to now, now he’s supporting his family, giving them the lives they never had. im told he is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. it hurts to know that, and now you can hurt more too :gotme:


You must be talking about Zack, he’s the only trainer from Canisius i’m aware of. I don’t know about the personal life of Kevin, but he was one of the nicest players on the team, truly a real stand up guy that was nothing but appreciative for everything. Work is going to be a sad place for a long time :(:cry:

They have started a candle light vigil across from gates if anyone is interested in stopping up

God life is fragile. Thousands of hits just like that happen every season without anyone getting hurt. Get the angles juuuuust wrong and this guy may never walk again and almost lost his primal functions and died.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:38,topic:35083"”]

well, as if this story isn’t sad enough, i have some more to add to it…

a friend of mine was in the physical training program at canisius, and worked on the sidelines with the bills. he said that everett grew up in what would pass for a shack with his large family. they were dirt poor. fast forward to now, now he’s supporting his family, giving them the lives they never had. im told he is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. it hurts to know that, and now you can hurt more too :gotme:


Great so now i feel 10x worse…A question i have for everyone is it as hard for you guys as it is for me to watch that interview with moorman on espnews?? He looks like hes gonna lose it that entire interview…and it gets me everytime


You must be talking about Zack


Paul Insilaco. he was on the last two seasons, but hes away at grad school this year

Kaleida has a contract with the bills and i was working at gates earlier for what we call “VIP” detail. (i usually work at Buff general but they needed someone for 4 hours and its overtime for me). I sat inside his icu room whenever doctors werent in there and i just stared at him and felt like crying. When i got there he was on a resperator and still had the heart and the strength to ask me my name and if i liked my job…damn

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:38,topic:35083"”]

well, as if this story isn’t sad enough, i have some more to add to it…

a friend of mine was in the physical training program at canisius, and worked on the sidelines with the bills. he said that everett grew up in what would pass for a shack with his large family. they were dirt poor. fast forward to now, now he’s supporting his family, giving them the lives they never had. im told he is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. it hurts to know that, and now you can hurt more too :gotme:


Now you know why guys hold out for bigger signing bonuses. That is the ONLY money that is guaranteed in the NFL.

Remember Kevin Everett the next time you feel like being pissed off at an NFL player for “holding out”.

Sad story. Hopefully he has a good life insurance policy and some money put away/invested.


Now you know why guys hold out for bigger signing bonuses. That is the ONLY money that is guaranteed in the NFL.

Remember Kevin Everett the next time you feel like being pissed off at an NFL player for “holding out”.

Sad story. Hopefully he has a good life insurance policy and some money put away/invested.


Sadly I doubt it Rick he hasnt been around long enough and TE’s dont make pennies compared to the glamour positions. I just hope the bills/nfl do him right and take care of him and his family

made the cover of

i hate this… we need to stop talking about this… just hope for the best and keep praying

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:46,topic:35083"”]

Paul Insilaco. he was on the last two seasons, but hes away at grad school this year


paul as in “pilly?” i know him too. didn’t know he was away at grad school, don’t really talk to him much. anyway, yeah, this is a super shitty situation. hoping for the best.


Now you know why guys hold out for bigger signing bonuses. That is the ONLY money that is guaranteed in the NFL.


worst part is, 90% of the ones that get the big ones don’t have to play special teams. When you get guys sprinting down the field full speed at other guys, shit gets broken

The NFL union doesn’t seem to have much heart when it comes to the old timers.
I hope they at least take care of current players in need.

I don’t upset easily and I don’t follow major league sports but this is a sad, sad story.

Does anyone know how injured players get taken care of by the NFL. Like if there is a worker comp sort of thing going on?

Because how fucking horrible would it be for him to end his career on the field and not be taken care of or have his family taken care of.

This is really hard to watch on the news everyday. It’s really hitting the community.

god bless u kev.

Maybe every player should have to give him a LARGE chunk of money.:gotme:
If they were in the same spot as Kevin I am sure they would appreciate other players helping.


I didn’t see this, I was watching the game on and off, so sad though :frowning:

I am willing to bet there is no policy that the NFL has to cover players or their families in these circumstances, but I would like to think they would do something regardless.

It seems heartless but the end of the day the NFL is a business, shitty as the situation is :frowning:

edit: :frowning:

I wonder if they can change the equipment/helmets so somehow prevent these spinal cord injuries.

The nfl does have medical insurance and there is a severe injury clause to the players contract that takes care of all medical expensies for a while and also pays out the current contract and a bunch of other stuff